Friday, March 20, 2009


No sillies, not THAT walking, on their own. They're gifted, but not crazy scary gifted.

No, after much discussion, both Addison and Smith have been given walkers. These plastic toys have given them an awful lot of independence.

Here's some quick video of both of them making the trek through the den. Addison is QUITE the drama queen, and was more than aware of the times when the camera was on her. We're in for some interesting times over the next 17+ years.


Amber, Scott, and Carter said...

Those videos are awesome!! Aren't you loving the walkers? they are too cute motorin' around!

Chap and Heather said...

My face hurts from grinning so hard, that was soo adorable! It looked like Smith was about to do his 'Mr. Wiggles' dance! Love them!

Carissa and Craig said...

I am impressed - Ellie and Turner never mastered the walkers (well Ellie was mostly too short) but Turner only managed to go backwards. they are getting so big - it doesn't seem possible!

Jaysey said...

Can they roll over that carpet, or are they stuck with hardwoods only? It looks liek they can only do the hardwoods, which makes it kind of like a kiddie nascar ring--they could just speed around and around the rug and entertain themselves for hours--especially since there are two of them--and they could just play chase. Who's going to teach them, the bumper car concept?

Krissee said...

Hey Jenn,
They can go on the carpet too. Their favorite place is in the kitchen right under my feet while I'm trying to unload the dishwasher. They accidentally do bumper cars now. I wonder how long it will be before they start doing it on purpose.

Colly said...

The videos are an exciting new edition to the blog!!!!! They look like they are having great fun!!

Anonymous said...

How cute is it when Addison turns and looks at her Dad (for dramatic effect, of course)?! Love that. It's so Krissee.