Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Create a breakdown in your child in 4 easy steps!

1) Step 1 - Create interest in an object that I will want to touch. In this case....the camera. (But it really can be anything - camera, remote control, pine cone...really, the list is endless)

2) Step 2 - Watch as subject makes a break for the object.

3) Step 3 - Observe Subject make a play for object

4) Step 4 - Deny object, and watch the fireworks.


Amber, Scott, and Carter said...

awww..poor thing. couldn't he just have the camera daddy?

Alisha said...

Why is it that these little boys just know what they aren't supposed to have-- but they just WANT IT!?!?! Nathan loves to get naughty things too.

Chap and Heather said...

That's it, I know what to get Smith for his 1st birthday...what kind of camera is it that you have?? =)

Even when he's having a breakdown, he's still one of the cutest little boys in the world!!

Daniel said...

Amber - just to clarify - it was MOMMY who not only caused this breakdown, but proceeded to capture it on film.

(True, it was Dad who published it for the world to see, but that is just semantics)

Jaysey said...

I can laugh at this only because I can't hear him crying, which makes it kind of cute.

Colly said...

Haha! That was funny to me too.

Anonymous said...

I feel a little bad for this, but this post has me rolling in the floor laughing! So adorable.