Sunday, September 27, 2009

little things

I know, I know. You don't have to say anything. Slack blogger. Dad's been busy and Mom doesn't blog. We've also misplaced the camera's cord, so getting pictures off is not possible now (although we've got a workaround solution en-route, so hopefully we'll get some pics on here soon enough!)

I have been thinking lately though, with the awesome twosome getting more and more personality every day, that one of the unsung joys of parenthood isn't the BIG picture worthy moments. While those are certainly important (You know, birthdays, firsts, cuteness to the nth degree, etc), the real joys are the tiny moments:
  • The peakaboo games that Smith now plays with you when he has his hands on a blanket.
  • The sight of Addison running into the room holding "my first purse" like a 90 year old grandma (you know, the purse sitting on her forearm).
  • The Sunday mornings where mom and dad can put smith and addison in the bed, and they move all over the place and have the time of their lives.
These are just some of the small moments of the past few weeks that make us, as parents, just sit back and be thankful for.


Alisha said...

Our kids must be the same age or something. Those are some of my kids favorite things-- although I'd have to add putting anything that resembles a phone (which includes a small firetruck apparently) up to her ear and saying, "hi." Love those girlies. I had one of those big picture moments, too, last Sunday morning with both kids having a blast in our bed. Don't you love it? I miss seeing more of your family. Tell Krissee hi.

Jaysey said...

Yay for the little things--enjoy them!

Chap and Heather said...

So sweet, glad you're able to enjoy them!! I miss you guys!

Ashley said...

Oh I love all of those "little" moments. Those are the ones I remember the fondest of our kids.
Glad Addison likes her first purse and is carrying it Granny-style. Cute kids ya'll have, D and K! Love ya'll!