Friday, October 10, 2008

Sick Update

Just a quick update to let everyone know how the Daybies are doing:

They're both back on formula, and seem to be doing ok. Not everything is necessarily back to normal (without getting too much into poop consistency, its not very), but they're not spitting up and liquid butt seems to have dissipated.

Happy ten week birthday babies.


Chap and Heather said...

I am glad they are doing better, I can't imagine trying to maintain two sick sweet babies =(

How are mom and dad holding up?

Mike Gellatly said...

hang in there! glad the kids are feeling better. hopefully y'all can heal/recharge this weekend. ~kate

Ashley said...

Glad the liquid butt has subsided! Enjoy your weekend and kiss those babies for me!

Jaysey said...

Here's to even better poop consistency!