Saturday, February 7, 2009


Wanted to also post some quick candids Krissee snapped the other day. I believe the two individual ones really capture the spirit of the twins - Smith in the middle of having the time of his life, and Addison just a chillin', drinkin' her drink.


Jaysey said...

Very cute!

Jen said...

It totally looks like Addison is holding the camera in the first photo. "Hey, Smith. Let's take a picture of ourselves relaxing in the big chair." SO CUTE!

Chap and Heather said...

That one of Smith is perfect, that's my favorite face he does =) They are so cute, I love watching their personalities develop...they are perfect!

Amber, Scott, and Carter said...

They are looking very adorable. I just want to pinch those little cheeks up!

Russ and Sarah Compton said...

they are such cute little babies!!!!

Ashley said...

Is that a sippy cup Addison is holding? I am impressed! Your babies are advanced... like you didn't already know that! ;-)
Cute, cute, cute!

Colly said...

These are really cute! Why do they look so surprised in the first one?!