Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Our House

(is a very very very fine house...yeah, I went there.)

As you may or may not already know - our house is currently on the market and we're planning on moving as soon as it sells. The plan is to move to the Pawleys Island, SC area (Dad's job is located there, and well, there are worse places to live and raise a family!).

Before we do so, I thought it was important to pay homage to the house that we've called home for the twins life to date. This will probably make Krissee cry, but I'm not trying to - I just want to preserve some memories!

So here is the outside of our home. Smith, be glad that we're moving, because otherwise, you would have had to mow this lawn, and let me tell you from experience, it ain't fun.

Here are a few pictures of the nursery. You spent lots of time in here, because you were such awesome babies and you slept really, really well.

Here's our duck themed bathroom - Mom would put our bathtub on the sink and wash us. That's where we learned to splash!
Honestly and truly, we're going to miss this house like crazy. It was probably the hardest thing to say goodbye to (because really, we had to say goodbye before it even went on the market). But we know that a house doesn't make a home, and the most important thing for our family is to be together and enjoy the love we share (yeah, its corny, but I mean it).

Send good thoughts our way as we hopefully sell the thing quickly. We have had an offer, but it wasn't a real good one and we declined - but we're taking that as a positive sign.


Jaysey said...

Lots of good thoughts for you! Maybe with such a bad economy, you should plant a statue of St. Joseph in your yard! Every little bit helps!

Cookie and Poppy said...

I also have a vested interest in the Spann House. Grout, paint, caulk, upholstery shampoo, and last but not least, new babies to hug and hold and feed and kiss. Not to forget my precious daughter and prince of a son-in-law (yes, I said prince). You are right, a house is a house, and wherever you are is home. Do you plant the statue upside down? Where did I read that?

Colly said...

AWW. Goodbye house. Good luck on your sale! I forgot about the beautiful nursery decorations you worked so hard on. BUT......living at the beach is way worth it!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Chap and Heather said...

I will continue to pray for the sale of your house...especially before this summer =) Let me know if I can help with anything, I'm a heck of a saleswoman!

PS...best nursery EVER! I hope we get to help re-decorate the new one close to the same =)

Amber, Scott, and Carter said...

Good luck with the sale!! Although I will be so sad to see you go. I do, however, love the beach. :)

The Morgans said...

I wish I could have grown up at the beach! Good luck with the sale.....it is such a great house I don't think you should have a problem!!