The question of the day seems to be "Are y'all ready?'
I think the standard answer is "We think so."
I know that Krissee's definitely ready to NOT be pregnant. I get that.
I'm ready to meet the kids.
Am I ready for no sleep? Of course not. Am I ready for crying for no good reason? Don't be ridiculous (said in my best Balki Bartokomous accent.)
But we're ready. We're excited. Just a few more weeks.
4Months ago, I wrote this on my personal blog, and it stands repeating:
"Maybe I should have my head examined, but I'm not worried about the babies. I'm not worried about my wife. I'm not worried about being a father. All those things will work themselves out. I'll screw up, I know it. My wife will screw up. The babies will be fine. We're not the first people to have children. As long as we can keep our sense of humor (which, I mean, we're gonna have to, because we're having TWO BABIES AT THE SAME TIME), I know it'll be hard. I know there will be sleepless nights and arguments over what is best for them and how to handle issues and blah blah blah disciplinecakes. But I'm not really worried."
Spring Break 2023
1 year ago