Thursday, July 31, 2008


8AM - contractions are coming...water is broken. Contractions seems to be more uncomfortable than yesterday, which is a GOOD sign. Our nurse was even laughing about how sadistic labor and delivery nursers are, because if you're not in pain, they up your medicine!

So basically? No update, but updating to document the process and keep you all off my back! :)


Jaysey said...

More pain? Yes! Now we're getting somewhere!

(Good thing blogger isn't blocked at work!)

The Morgans said...

Keep the contractions coming!!!! Come on out Smith and Addison!!!

John Garmon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

This is Jill, not Johnnie, I'm trying this again, I'm not eblogging efficient. Anyway, I'm super excited for you guys!!! Yes, it's finally birth day!!!

Thanks for all the updates!! We'll be thinking about you!

Anonymous said...

Daniel, you are an awesome hubby (and dad!) to keep us all updated like this! Keep 'em coming. And get the flat iron ready for after the twins arrive.

Please post pictures as soon as they are here!