Thursday, August 14, 2008

At home with Smith and Addison

Well I haven't had much time to post on here since the babies were born but I have read all of the comments during my marathon labor and I just want to say thanks everyone for your support and well wishes. It warms my heart to read all of the kind things everyone wrote.

I just wanted to say hi and let everyone know I'm still alive just crazy busy. Today is one of my first full days alone with Smith and Addison. Daniel and I did the 7:00 AM feeding together and then he went downstairs to work. So its just me and my sweet babies and we are getting along just fine. There isn't much time for anything else other than feeding and changing diapers but I have to say I absolutely LOVE it. Even though I haven't had a shower yet today and I'm still in PJ's at 1:00 in the afternoon I've never been so happy. They are so precious and I still can't believe they are mine.


The Morgans said...

Hey Momma!!! It is so good to hear from you! I am glad you are settling in well and can't wait to come see you in action. At home with two beautiful babies and still in PJs, sounds like a good day in the life of a mom. I am so happy for you and can't wait to see you!!!! Love u, B

Daniel said...

Dinner better be ready at 5:30 woman.

Ashley said...

Hey Krissee!
You are doing a great job! I am so proud of you and can't wait to see you in action with your sweet babies. They are SO lucky to have you and Daniel as parents. Kisses to you all, minus the dogs! ;-)

Jaysey said...

Hiya, Krissee! I am glad you are enjoying your time alone with the babies. Keep up the good work!

Amber, Scott, and Carter said...

hey krissee! I'm glad things are going well on your first day flying solo!

Chap and Heather said...

Oh Krissee, this teared me up...I think it's amazing that you have your babies home with you. I can't believe it either!! We'll be up next weekend...hopefully we can come see you?? =)
Aunt Heather =)

Mike Gellatly said...

so glad things are going smoothly for you! what precious angels you have! ~kate