Saturday, August 16, 2008

Two Week Checkup and PIcs

The two week checkup was a rousing success. Ms. Addison was up to 6 lbs 5 oz, and Mr. Smith had a whopping 8 oz gain to make it to 6 lbs 4oz. I'm thinking that he is tired of his big sis beating up on him.

The entire checkup was good, and the docs said that these were beautiful babies ande to keep doing what we were doing. (And I"m sure that pediatricians don't go around telling their patients that their children are beautiful, so I feel incredibly honored that ours would give out such a rare compliment!) He did mention that it'd be best to avoid crowds for 6 more weeks. I wasn't planning a weekend bender at the local pub next weekend or anything, but I kinda thought we'd be able to start venturing out a little bit more. But its a small price to pay for healthy babies!

Finally, I've been slack on the pictures, so I wanted to post some here.

How can this not melt your heart? Seriously.

Some folks have asked how the doggies are adjusting. The answer? OK. They're certainly feeling neglected and curious, but they're taking it in stride. They're not allowed in the nursery, but they like to push the envelope as much as possible!

These moments are actually rare, where we actually get to just sit and hold the babies. Mom had a go of it the other night, and I think all three of them felt very comfortable!

Lastly, I took these two pictures just before we left for our two week appointment. I want to make sure we get plenty of single shots as well as those of them together. Daunting task!


Unknown said...

That first shot is wonderful! Almost enough to make me wish James was twins!


Amber, Scott, and Carter said...

love the pics! i can't wait to come see you guys next week! it's been killing me!

Chap and Heather said...

Oh my goodness, what fabulous pictures!! I can't believe how much they've already changed in such a short amount of time!! They ARE beautiful!!

Is it me or is Addison already striking a pose in that last picture a little bit?? I know someone else that likes to pose for pictures too! =)

Michelle said...

How sweet are those pictures!! Glad everything is going well and that the babies are getting so big. :) Love you, Michelle

Jaysey said...

Thanks for the great pics!

The Morgans said...

Those pics are awesome! They are gorgeous!!! Keep up the good work!

Schmitty said...

You guys, they are so beautiful and big and look so healthy!! Love the pics!

Colly said...

aarrgghh!! That's Pirate for "I hate work!!" Not only can I not get on the other blog, but now they have started blocking pics.

Julie said...

Love all the pictures! I am glad to hear everyone is doing well! Can't wait for them to meet Baby Price!