Friday, August 1, 2008


For all the support and excitement over the past few days.

Mom, dad and babies are finally settled, and its time to sleep for the first time in what seems like nine weeks.

We are asking that if u plan on calling or visiting, please do so later this afternoon (after one or two+.


Mike Gellatly said...

sweet dreams to the Day family! we'll leave you at peace to rest. but can't wait to meet Smith & Addison. ~Kate

Ashley said...

Krissee it was so good to get to chat with you briefly this morning. I am so proud of you!!
Night night, sleep tight.

Jaysey said...

Boy, I bet y'all are tired! Enjoy the sleep--you deserve it!

The Morgans said...

Get some rest!!! You deserve it and need it!!! Hugs and Kisses