Thursday, August 28, 2008

Still alive

We're here and we are still alive.

Daniel had his first trip out of town on Monday - Wednesday. Krissee's friend Ashley came down to assist mom in the well-being of the Daybies (and Mom, via some great meals from Trader Joes. We need one of those in Columbia!)

Here's Ms. Ashley conquering the double feed!


Amber, Scott, and Carter said...

Ashley looks like a pro! I know how nice it is to have the help.

Cookie and Poppy said...

Does this mean Ashley is now certified? I've been told to be certified you have to pass the double feed test (amongst other tests)to be a babysitter.

Alisha said...

Ok-- I clearly did not get the memo about those cool chairs for the babies. That double feeding looks WAY better than what I'm doing. Where did you get them?? You must tell me!